@php $subscribed = tenant()->subscribed('default'); $color = $subscribed ? 'green' : 'orange'; @endphp
@if(! tenant()->subscribed('default')) {{-- Trial --}} @if(tenant()->onGenericTrial())

You're on trial until , but you haven't subscribed to any plan yet. Please do so now to contine using the application even after your trial ends.

@else {{-- No subscription --}}

You're on not subscribed. If you wish to keep using the application, please choose a subscription plan below.

@endif @else @if(tenant()->subscription('default')->onGracePeriod()) {{-- Grace period --}}

You're on a grace period until . If you wish to continue using the application after that date, please resubscribe.

@else {{-- Subscribed --}}

You're subscribed to the {{ tenant()->plan_name }} plan. @if(tenant()->subscription('default')->onTrial()) You're also on trial, until . Once it ends, we'll charge you for your plan. @endif

@endif @endif